Day 2 of the AIPLA annual meeting update:
So far the 2020 AIPLA annual meeting has been a great success given the inability for everyone to meet in person. I have found that it is actually easier for new members such as myself to meet other members, as social break out rooms are created and everyone is “forced” to talk with members they may have never met before. That being said, the happy hour portions are only an hour and a half long, with multiple break out sessions only consisting of 10 min per meeting time, which is woefully short.
If Covid continues to require virtual meetings through next year, then the virtual happy hours will need to be drastically revamped so that members can set up their own break out rooms to continue to network and hang out.
The titans of IP conference was fascinating, especially getting an overview of patent practice over the last 50 years from the venerable Judge Laurie. A dream of mine is to one day practice in front of the Federal Circuit, so hopefully he is still on the bench when that day comes.